Sunday, June 1, 2014 0 comments

Role Respect

Golden Nug: Testimony Mtg.

Our second counselor got up today to open Testimony meeting and shared some thoughts with the congregation. He began his thoughts addressing the mid-single ward he stood in front of by saying, "I respect the heck out of you guys". This newly appointed bishopric member opened up as he confessed that if he hadn't gotten married to his wife at such a young age and if he were our age, he wouldn't be sure if he'd be sitting in that audience with us and he credited he sweet wife for "keeping him inline".

Nug: Whether it be through mass media or otherwise, I have felt a general lack of appreciation and respect for the role a wife/mother plays as the CEO of the home. This may not be a new dynamic, however a nurturing and valiant mother is often dismissed as a nag instead of being respected for playing her honorable role in the home. The best couples I've observed who have chosen to live a traditional husband in the workplace and wife in the home have benefited from no matter how 'powerful' the husband is in the workplace, he is always able to come home and respect his wife as the Executive of the homeplace.